[23-05-2010 18:02:34 | Editado 18:02:50] Victor Nogueira: Como vai a grande batalha pulgal?
[23-05-2010 18:03:12] O Guerreiro: continua a ser travada
[23-05-2010 18:03:12] O Guerreiro: continua a ser travada
[23-05-2010 18:03:23] O Guerreiro: sofreram grandes baixas ontem
[23-05-2010 18:03:34] O Guerreiro: agora imagino-as dispersas
[23-05-2010 18:03:41] Victor Nogueira: mas é uma batalha feroz
[23-05-2010 18:03:55] O Guerreiro: estou a deixa las reagrupar e depois volto ah carga
[23-05-2010 18:04:10 | Editado 18:04:49] Victor Nogueira: nem mulheres nem crianças podem escapar, apesar das Convenções de Genebra
[23-05-2010 18:04:25] Victor Nogueira: Nem piedade para os prisioneiros
[23-05-2010 18:05:30] Victor Nogueira: Não há prisioneiros de guerra, mas sim perigosos terroristas ao serviço do Império do Mal
[23-05-2010 18:05:45] O Guerreiro: sim
[23-05-2010 18:06:50] Victor Nogueira: Há ocasiões em que as razões de Estado se oponhem a qualquer Convenção de Genebra ou razões pulganitárias
[23-05-2010 18:07:17] O Guerreiro: sim, razões de comichão.
[23-05-2010 18:07:47 | Editado 18:08:15] Victor Nogueira: Hitler, Bush, Obama e Cia dixitaram
[23-05-2010 18:09:53] Victor Nogueira: A vitória é difícil mas é vossa ! Lberdade ou Morte ![23-05-2010 18:10:08] Victor Nogueira: LOL
[24-05-2010 22:54:08] Victor Nogueira: Como vai a guerra das pulgas?
[24-05-2010 22:54:26] Victor Nogueira: Deixo-te uma hiperligação - MASMP.
[24-05-2010 22:55:08] O Guerreiro: vai andando
[24-05-2010 22:55:18] O Guerreiro: estão muitas a morrer no sofá
[24-05-2010 22:55:21] O Guerreiro: vejo-as
[24-05-2010 22:55:25] O Guerreiro: k puz o spray
[24-05-2010 22:55:31] O Guerreiro: mas continuo a ser pikado
[24-05-2010 22:55:42] Victor Nogueira: pois …
[24-05-2010 22:55:52] Victor Nogueira: é uma guerra sem quartel
[24-05-2010 22:56:17 | Editado 22:56:43] Victor Nogueira: Hasta la vitoria, siempre !
[20:08:07] Victor Nogueira: E a guerra das pulgas?
[20:08:44] O Guerreiro: O Mundial de Futebol começou hj
[20:08:55] O Guerreiro: e as pulgas vamos ver
[20:09:26 | Editado 20:10:10] Victor Nogueira: Também podias amestrá-las e davas shows no circo e na TV :-)
pumpy32 — 25 de Novembro de 2008 — Torps Flea Circus.- Real live Performing Fleas -
noonco — 22 de Maio de 2009 — The inside story of the flea circus! -
ConnectedTraveler — 9 de Fevereiro de 2007 — From: ConnectedTraveler.com. Hans Mathes flea circus at Oktoberfest is probably the last on earth. See video of trained fleas. More here: http://www.connectedtraveler.com/CT/E...
erikpaixao18 — 27 de Julho de 2008 — Para quem ainda dúvida, eis o primeiro circo de pulgas documentado para quem quiser ver e apreciar. (é uma sacanagem com as pulgas mas...)
pumpy32 — 25 de Novembro de 2008 — Torps Flea Circus.- Real live Performing Fleas -
Torps Flea Circus Tivoli Copenhagen 1956
My farther William Torp started his Flea Circus in England during the twenties and performed with his Flea Circus all over England.Later he opened in Denmark in the famous Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen.He had his Flea Circus two years in Egypt as well at the time of Farouk's reign.After my farthers death my mother took over the Flea Circus and had it untill we closed it in Tivoli 1965.
I had learned the trade from my farther and opened my Flea Circus in Palisades Amusement Park in New Jersey USA in 1960.I was after that two seasons at the Million Dollar Pier in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and traveled afterwards with the Flea Circus in at special built trailer from the Canadien Border to Florida, and from the east coast to the west coast giving shows in Amusement Parks,Shopping Centers and Fairs.There were articles about the Flea Circus in about 200 Newspapers.Interviews in about 80 Radio Stations and appearances on about 60 Television programs including What's my Line and the Johnny Carson Show.I later in the1970s opened the Flea Circus in Tenerife (Canary Islands).I am now retired and don't have the Flea Circus any more, but a lot of nice memories.
There are many stories about a Flea Circus,and some are true and some are untrue.Here http://www.johntorpmusic.se/myfleacir... you will find many photographs and newspaper articles about the Flea Circus.
.I had learned the trade from my farther and opened my Flea Circus in Palisades Amusement Park in New Jersey USA in 1960.I was after that two seasons at the Million Dollar Pier in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and traveled afterwards with the Flea Circus in at special built trailer from the Canadien Border to Florida, and from the east coast to the west coast giving shows in Amusement Parks,Shopping Centers and Fairs.There were articles about the Flea Circus in about 200 Newspapers.Interviews in about 80 Radio Stations and appearances on about 60 Television programs including What's my Line and the Johnny Carson Show.I later in the1970s opened the Flea Circus in Tenerife (Canary Islands).I am now retired and don't have the Flea Circus any more, but a lot of nice memories.
There are many stories about a Flea Circus,and some are true and some are untrue.Here http://www.johntorpmusic.se/myfleacir... you will find many photographs and newspaper articles about the Flea Circus.
noonco — 22 de Maio de 2009 — The inside story of the flea circus! -
Walts Real Flea Circus: National Geographic
franticcircus — 17 de Dezembro de 2007 — A sneak preview of Professor Cockerill's Flea Circus; currently in training for performances in 2008. This is the first traditional Flea Circus to be performed in the UK for around half a century. For specific enquiries about Flea Training and Flea Circus history, please get in touch via the email in the video!
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Águas passadas não movem moinhos? Bem ... enquanto passaram podem ou não tê-los movido e assim ajudado ou não a produzir a farinha para o pão que alimenta o corpo sem o qual o espírito não existe. (Victor Nogueira)